Tuesday 19 August 2014

The One Sound - My Own Heartbeat

The stealthy tears of a tap flood the old basin,
letting out all of it's woe...

The boisterous growl of a washing machine,
makes the mood grow low...

The simple silence of the day,
casts it's depressing spell on billions...

The heavy drop of rain,
transforms into drips of cold-blooded demons...

The dark cloud hovers in the gloom of the sky,
wiping away the joy that we adore...

When a day like this approaches I ponder,
is life worth it anymore?

But the one sound,
that washes all the grief and sorrow away,
is the sound of my very own heartbeat,
always there and knowing it will always stay.

Saturday 26 July 2014

My Mum

The way she cares and shows her compassion is beyond usual
life with such an extraordinary mum is absolutely beautiful...
Her stunning personality is always willing to love family to the limit
life without her is not worth living even for a single minute...

She has looked after me from my first breath as if I was her source of glee

my considerate and warm-hearted mum is the reason I am me...
Her heart is made out of the purest gold, that is for sure
her eyes shimmer and sparkle like stars, an allure person I adore...

She has a magnificent charm of affection, I cherish my mum's amazing ways

her graceful smile shines and glitters in the radiant sun's glistering rays...
In her kindness she would never let our resilient bond falter 
sweet as a cherry, mum would never let out relationship weaken or alter...

A soft shoulder to rest on, a gentle hand to wipe away my delicate tears

my mum is always there, to keep me merry, and chase away my fears...
A tender and compassionate heart to guide my life the right way
my mum is the magnificent light and sunshine which brightens up my day...

An angelic person, who helps me to prosper like the world's finest rose

an epic mother beyond compare, who's day by day amiability grows.....

Saturday 7 June 2014

From Primary To Secondary

A big change occurring in life 
Kinda worried, won't make a strife

Excitement pumping through my veins

But all the cries cause stress and strains

Hilarious fun, giggles and glee  

These fabulous memories will never forget me

All my friends are moving away 

Goodbye is the word that is arduous to say

Life leading me on to a new stage

Just like a book has been turned to a new page

This extraordinary experience might be cool

I only need to be brave moreover enjoy school

Leaving school is not as easy as pie

Whereas I am going to give it a good try

I will make new companions when I join school in fall

To be successful just never give up, that's all

I will miss my teachers also my class

I will always remember my pleasurable pasts...

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Bullying - Is it necessary?

Just think, is it going to help or benefit you if you make other people feel low because of a slight difference between you and them? Honestly my opinion would be no. Bullies are people who have no heart just an empty space instead and care for nobody but themselves, it is as simple as that.  

The bully who starts targeting a timid person could be made powerless if everyone could stand up for themselves and for their friends, by facing the tormentor and going against them. Did you know that 90% of the people who join the bully actually are nice and loving people however are frightened to help the target, as they are afraid of getting bullied themselves. 

"Dont judge a book by its cover" This is an extremely famous phrase which should never disrespected as this thought can eliminate bullying from our society.We should not be influenced by people's physical appearance, rather should focus on their inner qualities. 
This phrase was stated by Gorge Elliot in 1860 as far as I know, and I salute him for saying such an inspiring and meaningful quote.
Bullying can ruin people's life in many ways, It can lead to immensely serious things like death and drugs in some cases. This can also take place on the internet, that is called cyber bullying which may also lead to the same or more deadly consequences.

I think that instead of getting attention by hurting people mentally and physically, why not get it by looking after and showing consideration to them.
That way you stay out of trouble and will still have people following you, but this time in a good way......

Friday 25 April 2014

A short note for Spring!

Sound the flute, 
Now it's mute.

Dainty birds glide with delight, 
The dazzling sun glisters bright.

Crimson roses as red as wine,
Giving of a glamorous shine.

Lambs being born, 
Hearts never torn.

Blissful faces all around, 
Allure blossom trees being found.

Nothing is miserable nothing is bad.......
Everyone is flooding with mirth, aren't you glad!!!!!!!!!

Thursday 6 February 2014


His love is perpetual for me 
Always ensuring I am content and happy
His compassion and care is immensely clear
The consideration he shows is so very sheer 

Charming and handsome is my dad
He presents me with bliss and makes me glad
He cheers me up when I feel heavy-hearted
I can't bare staying away from him moreover being parted 

He treats me like the worlds most valued and precious gem

Emboldening me every second of life,it's like I'm the leaf and he's the stem
He reflects affection in his eyes
He calls my tears pearls and dislikes what causes my cries

His encouragement leads me through life with a sweet smile
He helps me in all the ways he can, my dad is full of style

I am really fortunate to be blessed with a dad whom I love with all my heart
My only wish on this special day is for dad to enjoy it from the start

Happy birthday dad!!!!
From you little princess

Sunday 2 February 2014

World War

Booms and bangs approach the city

Cursing the situation, everybody gives a sigh
Death rains down, gloom hovers in the sky

Echoes of depression weave through everyone
Frowns await for the black to be replaced by the radiant sun

Grumbles and groans were the only sounds
Hatred embraces all, fatal grounds

Increasing trouble, relations fade
Justice is wanted, they require aid

Kindness and consideration has disappeared, everything is wrong
Love has departed, we all have to stay resilient and strong

Moans invade everything, pondering when it will cease, delight receives a fall
Nothing brings smiles, starting to lose hope, misery runs in all

Only sorrow and apprehension pumps in our blood
Prayers said daily pleading for help, depression floods

Quaking of melancholy destroys everybody’s hearts
Roars of mourn make us feel like a grenade has blown us up into little parts

Strikes of despair hit everyone causing them to die
Trembling with tension, tears being wiped dry

Unbelievable amounts of dread keep us occupied
Violence is glanced upon, everyone’s petrified

Worry is known as a synonym for life
EXiting evacuees bawling, not wanting to leave so they create a strife

Yearning for a compassion to arrive and stay
Zest for life carries on, day and day.......