Monday 30 November 2015

A Thought's Key

The commencing note that starts a melodious tune,
Like the spark of a single thought emerges in one’s mind,
Within a few seconds each tuneful hint makes the piece bloom,
Like how a thought is enhanced with every opinion one can find.
The subtle progression that each bar plays part in,
As the brain forms a mind map of assumptions to a ponder,
But when an individual note is played wrong, it creates a din
As a though turns negative bringing apprehensions that wander.
A quick cover hides all the lingering mistakes,
Like a thought is fed with a sensible 2nd view, The finishing note can be

transparent or opaque,
Like one’s instincts finally realises how to end, what to do.
Like the harmonic keys of the piano played,
Are, the riveting mind’s complications displayed …