Wednesday 25 December 2013


Enhanced in elegance, beaming with allure,
Showing its gorgeousness is what pearls are made for...

Pure and precious nothing can compare,
Including such inner beauty is extremely rare...

You twinkle and shine in radiant glows,
Reflecting how marvelous it is everywhere, its prettiness shows...   

Exquisite and attractive, furnished with a touch of love,
A seed planted in the sea created by nature to delight the above...

It is to you that I dedicate this, my dear friend, your benevolence is clear,
A smile on your face Pearl you endeavor to spread your cheer!

Tuesday 24 December 2013


An outstanding time of the year,
When all are embraced in Christmas cheer...

We all yearn for our special gift,
The merriment receives a colossal lift...

The jade Christmas tree is put up right,
Then we enhance it in decor and twinkling light...

We frolic about in the silver snow,
The howling wind comes to blow...

Prosperity and hope, love and pleasures,
Joy, peace, smiles all in massive measures...

The atmosphere so sensational, Golden bells ringing,
Passionate hearts filled with warmth, magical angels singing...

Christmas Eve has arrived the excitement is extremely strong, 
But save you laughter for tomorrow, we don't have to wait too long...

This wonderful day gives me a package of bliss
Ripping presents open, hugs and kiss.....

Wednesday 27 November 2013


Dazzling with magnificence, blooming with colour,
An array of shapes and patterns, none are similar.
Poppies, daisies, daffodils, tulips, bluebells and roses,
Straight, tall, stylishly and admirably, that's how a flower poses.

Soft velvety petals, swirling and dancing in the gentle breeze,
Blossom in clusters of white and pink growing on the light shaded trees.
Bursting with fresh fragrance, aroma like heaven, sweetest smells,
One of my favourites is a rose, it reminds me of the curling And twisting of shells.

Its journey of life commences as a minuscule seed,
Then a sprout of emerald appears,it should not be attacked by a weed.
The little stem transforms into a more sturdy plant, leaves start to grow,
Finally the soft and tender petals decide to show.

I adore flowers, they are as graceful as ever, 
Gleaming and glistening in beautiful weather.
Flowers they're so attractive with their lovely shine,
The bees come and get what the yearn for, and make honey divine.

These dainty flowers spark up the land,
And for spectacular parties give the decor a helping hand.
I love flowers with all my heart,
They're part of natures wonderful art.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

What makes a good friend?

What makes a good friend? Well I'm about to tell you all the qualities that a real companion would have.

A trait that every friend should have is honesty, without frankness no matter how hard you try you will always be known as a hostile person. A few people may think that being dishonest can bring bliss, this can be true and that glee could last, but sooner or later you will be caught red handed.

Being attractive and stylish, is it important? I don't think so, all a great ally needs, is to be respectful and compassionate. Everyone adores having a considerate and tender person near them. Nearly all people think  that to be popular is the best thing ever, but if you ponder about it carefully you will realize that it is not too major if you are not, in fact if you are benevolent and warm-hearted then everyone will be obliging to you.

"Treat others as you would want to be treated" is one of my golden rules and trust me it will get you some where in life. Friendship is one of the most vital things ever!

Don't impede yourself from being a caring companion. Remember intellect and sport skills are fabulous and are spectacular to have as an aspect in you, but everybody can practice and do that. Affection and goodwill will always lead you down the right path......

Sunday 24 November 2013


The polar frost arrives and visits everyone.
The rays of coldness shine from the winter sun...

The tree's bare and crooked fingers graze the dark sky.
The misty clouds gaze down with their frigid eye... 

The snow flakes begin to swirl down to land,
The surface starts to look like ice-white sand... 

While we are asleep the snow floor keeps a record,
Who has been where during the charcoal-black night has been stored...

The freezing days aren't too slow, moreover don't last,
But the long wintry nights can't sprint away so fast...  

The mornings are never welcomed with light, 
All that can be glanced upon is the creamy-snow sight...

Then later in that silver season everything starts to thaw,
It's coming to the end of winter and spring will commence its way of nature law...

The polar frost goes away and doesn't bother anyone.
The rays of warmth shine from the spring sun... 

Saturday 23 November 2013

A letter to a bird

You glide with such grace,
And beautifully complete the nature race.
Harlequin bird you are so pretty,
Harlequin bird you are so witty...

You may not be the colour of the stars that glimmer,
But your eyes still keep that magnificent shimmer.
Harlequin bird you are so pretty,
Harlequin bird you are so witty...

Dancing all around the crystal blue skies,
the first one to see the crimson gold sun rise.
Harlequin bird you are so pretty,
Harlequin bird you are so witty...

Nesting in the emerald tree,
Hey amazing creature what can you see.
Harlequin bird you are so pretty,
Harlequin bird you are so witty...

I feel so melancholic, 
I have to depart, 
but please do not worry
our friendship will last....

The sea

I adore the way it creeps stealthily on to my feet,
The way the golden sand 
And the turquoise sea 
Have such a strong bond and always meet.

Reflecting the world inside its sapphire grace,
Some times statue still, gazing at the crimson sun's face.
Amazing and terrific in its own way, 
The azure blues floating day and day.

Incredible is the way I describe the perpetuating water,
It only leaves some earth, just a quarter.
The sea can roar and rage with fury, crashing on to the sand,
Sometimes mitigating in speed, being gentle with land.

The sea is intrepid, sturdy and strong.
Just listening to the sea song
Embraces me in grace. 
The feeling of the sea tickling my toes 
Presents me with a blissful face.

The blue waters let the magical underwater world reside in peace.

Beneath the surface nothing is forced to cease.
I love the sea in all the ways there are...
It brings me tons of pleasure, It makes feel like a star.

The spectacular sea can devour the shore,

But the tranquility and serenity is what I adore......  

Friday 22 November 2013

The Wrath of Nature - Philippines

Smiling faces, enjoying the day
Not a sign of woe

Loitering around, seeming free
Nobody's feeling low.

Robust winds start to blow
All begin to fear
Everything is out of hand
Thrashing there and here.

Faces plastered with a frown
Sorrow everywhere
Squalid streets, clouds of gloom
It was just unfair.

The Philippines received some aid
From countries all around
The perseverance never stops
Their super spirit found....