Monday 30 November 2015

A Thought's Key

The commencing note that starts a melodious tune,
Like the spark of a single thought emerges in one’s mind,
Within a few seconds each tuneful hint makes the piece bloom,
Like how a thought is enhanced with every opinion one can find.
The subtle progression that each bar plays part in,
As the brain forms a mind map of assumptions to a ponder,
But when an individual note is played wrong, it creates a din
As a though turns negative bringing apprehensions that wander.
A quick cover hides all the lingering mistakes,
Like a thought is fed with a sensible 2nd view, The finishing note can be

transparent or opaque,
Like one’s instincts finally realises how to end, what to do.
Like the harmonic keys of the piano played,
Are, the riveting mind’s complications displayed …


Saturday 15 August 2015

My Granny

With the treasure of years,
Comes the delight of knowing that my grandmother is far from me but feels close to my heart,

The most wonderful gift,
Are the moments that you spent with me, the moments that end and the memories that last,

The tenderness of your laughter,
Play on a loop in mind, your bliss and joy means a lot to the way I strive,

Your tears of not wanting me to leave,
Touch my heart, for neither do I enjoy leaving you and saying goodbye,

Though you have suffered most,
Your positivity will grow deeper within me with the present of time,

Happy Birthday Grandma
I am not with you but remember your happiness is mine…

Friday 29 May 2015

The Palm Tree

Bathing and relaxing in the fabulous sunlight, 
Peering at the soft creamy clouds twirling in the sapphire site.

Whispering all it's secrets to the calm and gentle breeze,
Orchards, maples, oaks and elms, the palm is the most tropical of trees.

The spiky trunk towering above me, feels very prime,
The magnificent palm tree is rooted in the crisp, gold sand all the time.

Gives company to the shore, chatting with the oceans and views,
they don't forget the sizzling sand,
magnificent doves, and floating blues.

I love palm trees they are amazing and great,
outstanding they are, the coast's best mate.


A Boy's Spirit

When a boy's spirit was lost,
A smile plastered to his face,
Chuckles and lively cheer,
The crimson sun frolicked with grace.

When a boy's spirit was lost,
The sapphire sky strikes with joy,
The atmosphere overflowing with bliss,
pessimistic darkness being coy.

When a boy's spirit was lost,
After all the enjoyable leisure,
In the pristine waters, 
At the rails to conclude the pleasure.

An abrupt tremor of trauma!
Woe and sorrow showered down,
Shadows of death stealthily crept by,
The dingy skies formed a frown.

That boy's spirit is lost, 
An angel, not a scare,
That boy had to pay for an accident,
An accident can cost you, without care.

That boy's spirit is lost,
A passed life, It wasn't fair 
A hapless soul, draped in solitude,
Leaving behind a daunting moral of despair....   

Sunday 11 January 2015

Van Gogh- The Starry Night

The Starry Night - By Vincent Van Gogh

A gale of flaring light dazzles across the deep night,
The dingy sky is lit up by the golden that hovers glittering bright,
Swirling backgrounds of the village set a serene and tranquil atmosphere,
A fusion of peace, humility and pure wonder, but no fear.

Deeper in the painting, a jet black, towering figure climbs up and up, no end,
Mourning graveyards, lurking spirits, spread over a field, life became no friend,
A village where the dark night had set it's haunting mark,
The hours of daunting black, groaned with a anonymous, helpless bark.

A glint of joy secretes itself in the wretched surroundings,
Even pure bliss has a sturdy bounding,
Only the flamboyant moreover vivid stars are alive in the dusk's unlit,
Life had come to be abiding bit by bit.

The overcast of the night did not prosper onto day,
Instead the dingy gloaming ruled the concealed light yearning to fray,
The starry night was not abundant with wishes and awe,
Through the journey of the painting, we find gloom and shadows are all it is for...