Tuesday 20 May 2014

Bullying - Is it necessary?

Just think, is it going to help or benefit you if you make other people feel low because of a slight difference between you and them? Honestly my opinion would be no. Bullies are people who have no heart just an empty space instead and care for nobody but themselves, it is as simple as that.  

The bully who starts targeting a timid person could be made powerless if everyone could stand up for themselves and for their friends, by facing the tormentor and going against them. Did you know that 90% of the people who join the bully actually are nice and loving people however are frightened to help the target, as they are afraid of getting bullied themselves. 

"Dont judge a book by its cover" This is an extremely famous phrase which should never disrespected as this thought can eliminate bullying from our society.We should not be influenced by people's physical appearance, rather should focus on their inner qualities. 
This phrase was stated by Gorge Elliot in 1860 as far as I know, and I salute him for saying such an inspiring and meaningful quote.
Bullying can ruin people's life in many ways, It can lead to immensely serious things like death and drugs in some cases. This can also take place on the internet, that is called cyber bullying which may also lead to the same or more deadly consequences.

I think that instead of getting attention by hurting people mentally and physically, why not get it by looking after and showing consideration to them.
That way you stay out of trouble and will still have people following you, but this time in a good way......